Monday, October 18, 2010

Props to the Prop....

If after the excitement of landing in Guatemala,
seeing and hugging my boy for the first time in two years,
a crazy taxi ride,
were not enough for one day.....
the fun continued.
We had a six-thirty flight to the region know as the Peten.
on an old fashioned propeller plane.
What was I thinking when I planned it all?
Not only would we need to wake up at 3 am to get the airport but we would be flying in a plane with
After my recent brush with airplane disaster I wondered if I needed my head examined.
The only other way to get to the area would have been by car or by bus. After I read online that if you are driving in Guatemala and are involved in an accident that has serious injury or death, all parties are immediately jailed until the matter can be investigated and resolved.
The bus which Jack rode up and back when he traveled there sounded like a plan until I thought about 8 hours through the dark night sitting up trying to sleep while pondering the stories of armed robberies I had read about on our government website....
Propeller plane it is then...
We arrived at the airport the full two hours suggested, only to find that no one there knew that there was even a flight to Peten Flores.
Jack assured me that this was typical for Guatemala and that someone would come later who would know about the flight. He seemed relaxed while I paced around looking for someone who might have the right information. I had not shed my "anxious american" skin yet. The problem was that I was dependent on Jack to be my translator and he had become a Guatemala, not given to such anxiety attacks. He kept assuring me that it would work out.
And it did.
Here we are waiting the two hours for our plane.

 This is what only four hours of sleep gets you.
 Boarding the plane.
 Hanging back to get a good shot. Todd is wondering if I am ready to bolt.

 The plane ride was actually smooth sailing and other than my noticing that one propeller was spinning faster than the other, (I am very observant when flying now) I relaxed and enjoyed the 40 minute flight as I watched Todd and Jack sit together talking and then catching some zzz's.
Arriving safely at the local Peten airport 
I was glad to see a shuttle waiting outside the airport to take us to our hotel. I am always nervous when I book hotels to find out if the pictures on the internet match my expectations. It was a little unnerving when after leaving the main paved road, we had to travel a few more miles down the a rocky dirt road in a very remote jungle area. I had nothing to fear. The hotel was beautiful. We appeared to be the only guests as well and the staff was very attentive.

 The balcony of our room

 The hotel was built on a hill that gently sloped into the lake. It had so many steps mimicking the architecture of the Mayan ruins of Tikal and Yaxcha. I would become more familiar with steps in the next few days.

 We changed into P day clothes and waited for our driver, Alfonso. He would be our constant companion, driver, guide and friend in Peten.
On to the next adventure to await us.
Petencito Zoo and the dreaded Chechen Negro.

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