Friday, September 14, 2012

Jinx Jinx and Double Jinx

You would think I would have learned my lesson by now....
I must
promise to do a two part post.
It is the biggest jinx when I do.
I set it all up to show you the wonderful haul that I made at the Park City Thrift Store
with my hundred dollars
Every day I would promise myself that I would take pictures and post them.
After all why should I be the only one to gaze each day upon my amazing finds.
I knew that everyone was waiting....
(humor me here....will you)
I finally found the time to take the pictures....
(ok so time really isn't my is more finding the will)
and I realized that I had lost the piece de resistance from my collection.
It was the only item with an original price tag
(which read 89 dollars and I got it for 12!!)
And it was BIG!
Which should not be an indication of the state of my house or my organizational abilities....
as they say in Hollywood....
The blog must go on!
SO here is the whole kitten kaboodle.....
minus the BIG thing which I WILL FIND!!
 These really MOOved me....I mean who DOESN'T want ceramic cow measuring cups?

 I love silver in any form and this little cup had my name written all over it....ER....well it actually had someone else's initials all over it but that makes it seem even more fun. I have already created the fictional character Mary Greenwood Pennyworth who had it custom made to drink her sparkling water out of.

 If there is a new way to display pictures...COUNT ME IN! I loved this stand and clips and plan on using it over and over with different pictures each month.

 This one was perhaps my favorite find. I already had the huge black acorn on my shelf. When I saw this silver squirrel I fell in LOVE! Then when I realized you could put a nut in his mouth..push down his tail and voila! cracked nuts!!! Well there was NO way he wasn't going home with me.

 My favorite Uncle Jack had this amazing house in Kaysville where I used to spend time at every summer. I thought that everything he did or owned was the bomb diggity. He had one of these games in his upstairs play room. Although it always frustrated me more than entertained me, it was a sign that it had to make the journey home.

UM......I am a GRANDMA now!!!! I think this purchase is completely self explanatory!!!
(Isn't this just to die for!!! When I brought it home Megan and Dave said, "Yippee It's like visiting the doctors office without all the bad stuff!)
There are three more things that I purchased....
Two cooking items
THE BIG thing
It is getting late and I am tired
so I will post it tomorrow.
jinxed again.

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