I am sorry to have to tell you this on only my 6th blog ever but I am sick. Very sick. I have.....BLOGGER BLOCK. Now don't rush to your medical encyclopedia for more info and answers (although I am sure you will find them on the encyclopedia for morons...Wikipedia) it is not fatal. It is just....well.....boring and sad. Now I am generally not known for my lack of things to say or rant about but a curious thing has happened to me. I am freakishly verbally paralyzed by the thoughts of entertaining others (both of you) with my blog. Oh I know what you are thinking. You don't HAVE to entertain us. There are plenty of blogs that are people telling you what they cooked for dinner tonight or what clever thing their child said while sitting on the toilet....or what specific color ribbon they used on their glorious mantel display depicting not only a touching manger tableau but all 12 of the days of Christmas with Precious moments dolls. I have thought about writing about those types of things (hey I have snowbabies and a nativity from Israel and even a Santa from Bali and I have at least 12 different types of cereal I can feed my family for dinner) but I feel like I owe you (Heidi and Joey) much better than that. So I have pondered for the last few days and have come up with.......well........nothing but a bad case of bloggerblock. So I am going to give you all a chance to decide your own fate. Here is a survey of what I could post a blog about tomorrow or whenever you decide to vote. (don' t let me down you two...you have a 50/50 chance of winning.) In now particular order.
The poll is there to your left ===========>
1 comment:
Really, have you ever ventured over to my blog? Its nothing but nonsense over there. I never think of something to blog about before i start, i just sit down and start typing.
Your blogs are actually interesting, even when your posting about nothing.
P.s. I voted, but i want pretty pictures too :)
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