No no that closet. I am going to admit to the world. I LOVE facebook! I am one of the few over forty something who think facebook pretty much rocks. Not that I don't appreciate and love my blogging buddies and our blogiverse, but before I was a blogger....I was a FACEBOOKER! There it is....the ugly truth. And as long as I am confessing I will tell you that I was a facebooker before I was even "allowed" on their hallowed grounds. This goes way back when facebook was only for college students with a valid college email account....before they let the high schoolers on........waaay before they opened it up to joe everybody and his dog. My daughter had an account her freshman year of college and she gave me her secret password, handshake, and let me be the voyeur that I always knew was within. It was so wonderful to see her new friends and read about what was happening in her life while she was 1500 miles away.

I was hooked! Then when they let little ole me have my own account...well let me just say it ranks right up there in the top ten special moments of life. But....before you pass judgement on my time wasting silly juvenile guilt inducing time wasting black hole habit.....let me ask you this question...
WHERE ELSE CAN YOU LEARN SO MUCH ABOUT YOURSELF (without paying a professional therapist.)
For instance: Here are some of the things I know about ME!
What color am I?
What Disney princess am I?........Snow White
What font am I?........Myriad Pro
What TV mom am I?......June Cleaver
What pokemon character am I?........Pikachu
What movie is my life?.....Footloose
What Golden Girl are you?......Dorothy
Which celebrity should I marry?.....Will Smith
Which element am I?......water
Which Beatles song am I?......Lady Madonna
What cartoon character am I?......Snoopy
What type of Mormon am I?....... Genuine Mormon
I mean REALLY!! where else could I get so much self discovery for FREE! It has really helped me define myself and set some goals for my future. I mean when you know what font you really are truly on the path to enlightment. Please join me everyone....I am sure that I am on to something here. Gotta go now I hear Will calling. Gotta cut footloose.
Love, Snow White
That's hilarious! I love your list at the end!! :)
I struggle with facebook. Maybe I just don't understand it fully? I try I really do but maybe the problem is I love blogging so much.
I think the therapy thing is so true though.
I love that you got me on facebook as well . . . I love finding out things about my friends. Lindsey and I talk all the time on it although for some reason AJ refuses to be my friend :(
Thanks for hooking me up and getting me addicted
Gee! I didn't see anything about "What country you should live in" or "What Twilight character are you". How did you miss out on those two;)
I also love facebook, even though I have my own account, I have all my childrens passwords (hee hee) so I can keep up with all their friends who are scattered to the winds now.
ps - can we be FRIENDS?
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