Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Anemia....I kinda miss it.

This is the face of anemia.
Sonic Ice....purchased two bags at a time
I couldn't get enough of it.....
I was up to 6 bags a week
10 pounds each.
Chew Chew Crunch Crunch
It's a condition called pica and is a symptom of anemia
along with extreme fatigue.
Worry not dear readers.... I am being treated.
After being finally correctly diagnosed with anemia and taking iron three times a day
I am cured or at least on my way.
I do have more energy....much more energy
And I think that I am definitely happier
I kinda miss it.
There were some benefits that I never realized until now.
1. Loss of appetite.....I was never hungry. I never felt like I needed to eat. I could fast on Sundays with the best of them and piously feel superior.
2. No mosquito bites.....In the three years I calculate that I was pretty anemic I never had one mosquito bite. Isn't that amazing. The mosquitos are big enough down here to saddle up and ride and I went bite free while my husband was attacked and sucked dry. They must be smarter than they look. They knew before I did that my blood was not quality stuff. I guess they took one sniff and decided that I wasn't worth. Mr. T on the other hand.....yum yum.
I now bear the scars of multiple bites on my legs and feet. Bzzz Bzzz mosquito buddies, iron rich blood ...come and get it!
3. I miss my ice.
It was something that I knew that I really really wanted....every day.....from the first moment of waking up to the last moment before I slept. Sometimes bedtime was dictated solely based on when I finished my last cup of ice. I could not let a single pellet go to waste. I wanted ice and I had ice of the finest kind....Sonic ice and I made sure that there was always a weeks supply. I very simply LOVED ice. And a few weeks after taking the iron it was like a switch being flipped.
I no longer felt the love and desire for the ice.
It was like that crush you had on a boy that ruled your thoughts and your world until that one day.....you finally kissed and.......
The feelings were gone.
And there was an empty place.
A hole
where the ice used to be.
I am sure that with my newfound appetite and my recent stirrings of energy I will find a replacement.
But for now
I will remember the "good times"
scratch scratch
keep applying the benadryl lotion

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alpinekleins said...

Hee hee - too funny! All my life I had problems with anemia and just crunched ice all the time. It's the craziest thing! Finally had to break down and get a hyster (best thing that EVER happened to me seriously) but I kinda miss the ice crunching also! Toooo funny! Why am I not surprised . . .


Anonymous said...

Smiling reading smiling some more. It takes talent to make random medical conditions sound funny and interesting.

Love it.

Unknown said...

Glad to hear that you figured out what the "problem" is. Sorry about the loss of Sonic ice in your daily diet. I didn't even know they sold it by the bag full!!

Pica behavior is a by-product of Autism as well--everything went into Daniel's mouth. It still does...and oh, the stuff that comes out if it too!

Unknown said...

Pica, oh my goodness!!! Daniel once chewed down all the corners on our lower kitchen cabinets. He tried to eat our front porch steps and ate a lot of rocks. In spite of this, he has beautiful teeth!

He survived two years in braces, complete with a palate expander and we replaced our cabinet doors.