Monday, March 9, 2009

I need this NOW!

I have spent the last 4 days trying to nurse my husband back to health from a pretty serious infection. I was more than a little worried about him and a lot of time was spent just being at his side to make sure that he was comfortable and praying for the antibiotics to kick in. I tried to keep it quiet and peaceful for him while we waited and therefore I spent a lot of time looking at my feet. I kept thinking that one never knows when there will be adversity and it would have been easier to deal with if my house was cleaner and I had not put off that pedicure. Sounds shallow? I am sorry. Whenever I get that worried it just helps me not to have a messy home and gnarly feet. Mr. T is doing well and is out of the woods. Guess where I am going tomorrow? I want my toes to look like this again in case there is another disaster. Sometimes amidst our trials little things can help. 
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